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How to make online earning?


Online earning is possible?

How to make online earning?

What should I need for online earning?

Where do I make online earning?


Online earning is possible:

Yes, online earning is not only possible but it’s proved very helpful for most developing countries in the world. In Pakistan, there is a lake of government jobs. So, what should do educated youth? In this aspect, online earnings play a very important role for them. Online earning not only provide them jobs but give them the opportunity to contribute to the progress of the country.

How to make online Earning:

There are lots of methods to earn online. Just you have need to learn any skills, become an expert, offer these skills to peoples, and create solution for them.

Here is a question what is mean by any skill:

Here are some popular skills:

·         Web development

·         App development

·         Graphic designing

·         Logo designing

·         Digital marketing

·         Search engine optimization

·         Virtual assistant

·         Content writing

·         Social media manager

·         Blogging

·         Teaching

·         Affiliate marketing

·         Video editing

·         Voice over

·         Interior designing

Where do I learn these skills?

To learn these skills just you have to need to yourself I mean your passion, your dedication, and your hardworking. The question is still remaining where I learn these skills. For this YouTube is the best platform for learning any skills and after YouTube, Search on Google. Google shows millions of websites that provide free skills-building content.

For Example:

If you want to learn graphic designing, search on YouTube “Graphic designing tutorials

You will see many expert teachers are ready to teach you.

And also search on google there are many expert graphic designers who are ready to teach you without any fee.

How the sample is that. yes, it’s very simple.


What should I need for online earning?

You have needed just a Laptop or desktop system, an internet connection and comfortable chair.


Where do I make online earning?

After learning these skills the question is where from I earn online. So, there are lots of platform where you offer your services and generate your income.

There is some website where you offering services and generate income:



It’s impossible to figure out all those plate forms that help you to generate online earning. After learning any skills, you also explore it yourself.

Note: I recommend you learn just those skills that are a match with your passion.

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