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CS605 GDB 1 solution | CS605 Latest Solved GDB 100% correct Solution

 CS605 GDB 1 solution | CS605 Latest Solved GDB 100% correct Solution

CS605 GDB 1 Solution Solved BY VU BWN


What does shopping look like to you? If you could walk in a store, grab what you want and just go. No line and no checkout. Use the mobile app to enter then put away your mobile and start shopping. It is really that simple. Anything you pick up automatically adds to your virtual cart but if you change your mind about anything just put it back. Technology will update the virtual carts automatically.

Companies/Store Names

Google Shopping

Sun Business

Facebook for Business

Instagram Shopping

Amazon Go

Walmart Stores

Nordstrom Rack

Apple Siri

K Mart

Answer Sheet: (You are required to copy and paste “Answer sheet” (table) in GDB answer section. Any other text pasted (except answer sheet) in GDB answer section or change the format of the table will get “Poor” grade.)







Store Name

 Amazon Go

How a customer can enter in the store?

 Using Amazon Go App to Scan

Technology used to automate the store

 Just Walkout Technology

Why store prototype location delayed? Mentioned the reasons.

 Amazon Go prototype location was delayed due to issues with the sensor’s ability to track multiple users or objects within the store, such as when children move items to other shelves or when more than one customer has a similar body habitus.

How store detect, which item(s) a customer pick and put it back?

The ceiling of the store has multiple cameras and store shelves have weight sensors, to detect which item(s) a customer took. If a customer takes an item off the shelf, it will be added to the customer's virtual cart. Similarly, if a customer places an item back on the shelf, it is removed from the customer's virtual cart.


Note:  It is a research-based activity. You have given a complete scenario and list of companies/store names. You are required to identify one store/company that match with above given scenario. All questions given in the table are relevant to above scenario and specific company/store. You are required to answer all questions asked in the table (Answer Sheet).

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